This is one of the projects I completed over the Summer break. It was a Christmas pressie for Little Miss Jenna, who isn't so little anymore! I didnt have enough fabric to make it into a dress so opted for a singlet top instead. It was made on my very new and exciting sewing machine. Thanks for your advice a little while ago, I did decide on a Janome in the end and luckily Santa (aka Mr Teacups) complied.
love the top, it is super cute, especially the heart.
This is so cute Dan. And nice one on the chrisy present!! Your comment on my blog reminded me that I took a photo for you while we were away...stay tuned! Heheh ; )
This is so sweet, I love it.
What a cute little dress!
This is beautiful! I love the fabric :)
Aww, it's darling. I love the heart right in the middle. Hope you're having a lovely weekend.
so precious!
Just found your lovely blog- dress is gorgeous and I LOVE the I am a sewing machine t- shirt which i am going to buy right now after what i have just been doing its totally how I feel!!!!
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